Science Ambassador meetings – September 2023 – July 2024
September 2023
- Science ambassadors named for each class in school
- Discussed personalised lab coats for science lessons and the significance of them
- Visitors to come to school to get us excited about Science – discussed Adrian Bowden – The Travelling Scientist
- Discussed what working scientifically means and how it could be implemented in our classrooms. Designed a poster to have on all working walls in all classrooms
- Next meeting – Dec 2023
December 2023
- Discussed the use of lab coats in classrooms – are they being used? Yes, most classes pick a ‘scientist’ for the lesson and they become the teacher’s helper during lessons
- Science week in March 2024 – the theme is time – discussed some ideas and decided that different year groups could do different tasks. We decided on time capsules, experiments with fruit and jelly, circuits on the yard being timed.
- Should we send out teacher questionnaires? Most voted for yes and to ask the teachers if they like the Developing Experts resource we are currently using and how we would improve science at Brunshaw
- The SA’s have liked Developing Experts – especially the practical side of the resource. More options of hands on science experiments and discussing predictions with the class.
- Next meeting – March 2024
March 2024
- Adrian Bowden came to school in January. The SA’s agreed that he was amazing and everyone enjoyed the science workshops. It was very hands on and Adrian got the children involved and answering questions as well as asking questions. Voted to book Adrian again for next academic year.
- The SA’s would like more options of visitors and science related workshops to keep pushing Science throughout school. We discussed some options of who we could have in and discussed STEM based careers and what they are.
- Whole school competition for June/July this year? Discussed different ideas and decided that I would pick a ‘surprise’ from the list we had. Competition – for the children to create and design an insect or animal – to be handed in and judged. Prizes to be won.
- Science club – we decided that a science club would be a brilliant idea!! Year 2 and 3 to trial a club this academic year and the 2 science ambassadors to feed back.
- To add an extra module onto the curriculum map where we have a ‘space’. The KS2 ambassadors agreed that they think it would be beneficial to learn about scientists and how they changed the course of their field. This was added to the curriculum map – 3 lessons to create a factfile.
- Next meeting – June 2024
June 2024
- All science ambassadors to keep their job for next academic year.
- Science club discussed for next academic year – the ambassadors have asked for a KS1 club for year 1 and 2, a lower KS2 club for year 3 and 4 and an upper KS2 club for year 5 and 6. To do one each term – different focus for different clubs. Idea included, circuits, experiments, dinosaurs/fossils, the solar system and mad experiments.
- Science Fayre – was mentioned earlier on in the year but we have decided to ask for a stall at the Christmas fayre and will make things to sell using science. Half the money to go to our chosen charity and half towards new equipment for school.
- Possible fundraiser for science equipment to happen 24/25 – will discuss in Septmeber.
- JULY 2024 competition – science ambassadors to push it in class and collect completed entries. To go on dojo, letter sent home and word of mouth. Prizes – chocolate and sweet hampers for 1st, 2nd and 3rd. Science Ambassadors to judge other year groups for the competition. Prizes to be given out in Monday morning assembly (15th July).
- Whole school competition for Autumn term. Ideas for competition – to do it as a class competition and compete against the other year group. To link the design to the science learning that half term (can be autumn 1 or 2 learning). Prizes – to be discussed in September.
- Job roles written out for science ambassadors and for them to sign – for Septmeber.
- Lanyards to be ordered with their names and job title on – for September.
- Scientist module in spring term – to keep! The children loved learning about a scientist and their inventions.
- Science week 2025 – brief discussion about making it the biggest and best yet!! Stalls in the hall for parents to come and see, experiments (yr5 and 6) and all science ambassadors to have a roll. Could do a raffle and the money can be split between our charity of choice and for new equipment for school.