22nd January 2024
Dominic - Ash
Georgia - Maple
Ethan - Spruce
Alfie - Rowan
Dylan - Chestnut
Ebony - Hawthorn
Leah-Mai - Elder
Miss Lees
Oliver - Cedar
Star - Oak
Mia-May - Aspen
Austin - Holly
- Miss Lees asked if anyone had any concerns about Online Safety in their classes or at home. The children had no concerns and felt that their classmates understood the possible consequences of not following the Acceptable Use Policy.
- Miss Lees shared the date for Safer Internet Day 2024 (Tuesday 6th February) and this year’s theme: Inspiring Change. Miss Lees explained that we will be leading a whole school assembly on that day. We looked at some of the resources from the Safer Internet Day website and discussed the different ways technology has changed. We chose areas of particular interest around changes in technology that they would like to share in the assembly:
- Leah: Electricity poles/wires
- Ebony: TV
- Alfie: Movies
- Dominic: Games consoles
- Dylan: Microwaves/ovens
- Ethan: Computers
- Miss Lees will create a PowerPoint for the assembly and we will continue to plan and practise as soon as possible. We also looked at the activity that all children will be completing in classes. We decided that Georgia would explain it in the assembly.
- Miss Lees explained that some visitors would be coming to school later in the week and would need to speak to 2 of the Online Safety Champions. Although everyone volunteered, we decided on Leah-Mai and Alfie.