Pupil and Family Support Team and Early Help Offer
Meet Anna and Kay
For those who don’t know us and a reminder for those of you that do, we are the Pupil and Family Support Workers at Brunshaw Primary School – Anna and Kay.
Anna works Monday-Friday 9.30am-2.30pm and Kay works Monday/Tuesday 11am-4pm and Wednesday/Thursday 8am-3pm. We are both term time workers.
We have an open door policy, although it is better to make an appointment to be sure we are available. We can see you in school or at home.
Between us we have a great deal of knowledge and experience that is beneficial to supporting the children and families at our school.
All support and advice is confidential. Although we can’t say we know all the answers, we can try to help and support you to find a solution or signpost you to the relevant agency for help. Sometimes as parents we just need someone to talk to and to be able to offload problems and worries, and we are here to help with this.
Parenting can be challenging at times and is often stressful. We all know this as we are also parents!
We work closely with your children, their families, school staff and outside agencies to try to remove barriers to children’s learning to help them to reach their full potential.
Some aspects of our role is supporting with issues regarding:
• friendship
• behaviour - at home and at school
• money issues
• bereavement
• parental separation
• family illness
• housing issue
• linking with agencies and support group
• wellbeing support
• signposting to various agencies
• attending relevant meetings
• one to one support for pupils using a range of interventions
We also complete 1-1 interventions with children such as drawing and talking, good to be me and my hidden chimp.
You can contact us on 01282 423280
Meet Miss Picton
For those who have yet to meet me, I'm Miss Picton and I work with a range of children throughout the whole school every day. Often the children ask me what my job is and I tell them it’s to make sure all the children are happy and settled in school.
Children, at times, have issues with friendships, emotions or behaviours and my role is to provide guidance to ensure your child can reach their full potential in every aspect. I work closely with families to offer them support and guidance with regular updates about their child.
If you ever need a chat I'm in school every day from 8am till 4pm.
Mental Health and Well-being
Please Click Here to visit our dedicated Mental Health and Well-being Pages