December 2024
In December, our year 5 and 6 Science ambassadors attended a Science day at a local primary school. They had a great time and couldn’t wait to share their new knowledge with me. Here’s what they had to say…
Lily – Year 5 Science ambassador
Dear Diary,
Today we went out of school on a school trip. We went to Rosewood Primary School and did lots of different Science. Some of it was practical and some was observing.
The first thing we did was to do a few exercises, because our leader for the way wanted to show us how to calm down and relax. They showed us this and said that we can use this at school before we complete tests or a quiz. After that, we sat down and got ready to start our next activity – it was really good fun. We were given a piece of paper and eventually turned it into a robot part!!
Ayaan – Year 5 Science ambassador
Dear Diary,
We went to Rosewood Primary School today and did loads of Science work – it was amazing! My favourite part was a man who worked at NASA and he told us all about space, robots, rockets and aliens! He knew lots of stuff about space and was really funny too!
Riley – Year 6 Science Ambassador
Dear Diary,
My favourite part of today was the rocket!! You could see how the rocket worked, the different parts of it and how they are put together. The man who spoke to us about the rocket worked for NASA!! The rocket worked by applying pressure to make it fly. I feel like I have learned new things and really enjoyed out day out with.
Carmen – Year 6 Science Ambassador
Dear Diary,
We went on a trip today – a Science trip! We learned about space, the different planets and rockets. We talked about the planets and he asked us if the sun spins?! We all talked about this then the NASA guy made a runway. He picked someone and spun them around 20 times then asked him to try and walk in straight line down the runway. He couldn’t do it because he was dizzy!
In the afternoon, we completed a test and scored 16/20!! It was a very interesting day and we learned so much! We had the best day ever!
October 2024
Attending - Mrs Hannan (subject leader), Carmen (Elder), Riley (Hawthorne), Lottie (Aspen), Ariana (Oak), Leo (Holly), Ariande (Elm), Tommy (Ash)
Science club to start up again and for the year groups to be split so that the children can enjoy topics that are age related. We decided that;
- Year 1 and 2 - (autumn 2) - dinosaur and fossils
- Year 5 and 6 - (spring 2) - nature walks, writing up fact files for different animals and making habitats
- Year 3 and 4 - (summer 2) - light - make their own torches
Whole school competition for Autumn term. STEM competition - become and engineer and design a car that is made from recyclable materials. You can paint it, name the car and write a small paragraph about the design and the materials used.
Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd - voucher for upper key stage 2 prize, sweet bundle for lower key stage 2 prize and colouring pens and book for KS1 prize.
Ambassadors to meet again in December 2024 to pick the best designs for the competition and for our next meeting for plans for Spring term.