17th January 2024
This week on Wednesday 17th January, our 5 well-being ambassadors Nyla, Jack, Harry, Mason and Aaruhi again impressed us with their lovely manners and great understanding of their role during some more training with Siobhan and her colleagues from the mental health team.
We began to look at one of the 5 ways to well-being - ‘TAKE NOTICE’ and together with Siobhan the children began to create some posters, which once all complete will be put up around school. We spoke about being aware of our surroundings, reading other people emotions, knowing when to help and when people need space.
From this the children decided they would like to hold an assembly to show the other children in school what they have been learning about. The children came up with some fabulous ideas.
The assembly will be held during children's mental health week and we are very excited.