19th June 2024
Reader Leaders Meeting 19th June 2024
All Reader Leaders were present except for Y6 who were out of school on a sporting event.
Library Development. We watched the video mock-up of what the new library is going to look like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJZI3tjZDtE and Mrs Cunningham shared with children the time frame for the work in the library over the summer. The children said:
- I like the spinney things with books on
- The white walls look nice with the furniture
- I like the archway dividing the room.
- I like the look of the comfy seating.
The children were also asked for suggestions of who might open the school library. Suggestions included their own parents (EYFS children), famous authors (JK Rowling and Jacqueline Wilson – the children knew that this was unlikely), members of school staff and Mr Herbert our chair of governors (suggestion made by Isla!)
As part of the monitoring of reading for pleasure, Mrs Cunningham asked the children about times when teachers read to them during the day. Detail will be included in monitoring records but it is worth noting that Mrs Holdsworth was mentioned by almost every class as someone who regularly read for pleasure when she was working in different classes.
Mrs Cunningham reminded the children that it was almost the end of the school year so their time as reader leaders may be coming to an end. (Y4/5 Reader leaders are also pupil librarians so they will continue to be involved in reading development across school.) The children were asked whether they had any other suggestions related to reading across school. Suggestions given were as follows:
- Lots of the reading books are getting very tatty. The children would like them to be replaced. We talked about how we may need to do some more fundraising to facilitate this. This will be fed back to Mrs Smith and SLT.
- Some classes haven’t visited the library regularly. This will be fed back to teachers.
- The children would like to have more opportunities to use the reading areas in classrooms. This will be fed back to teachers.
- The children would like to have a nice outdoor reading area. They suggested a bookcase in the gazebo (which may not be practical), along with mats to sit on and pillows and beanbags. This will be fed back to SLT and Miss Sturgeon/Mr Kay as they develop playground zones.
Suggestions will also form areas for development on English action plan.