Reading Support
The Importance of Reading
Reading enables children to not only learn across the curriculum but also to access numerous aspects of daily life, influencing the opportunities that they have available to them in the future. At Brunshaw Primary School, our intention is for all pupils to develop a love of reading for pleasure, as well as for information, by reading widely and often.
School will:
- Teach a daily phonics lesson to all pupil in EYFS and KS1 following ‘Red Rose Letters and Sounds’
- Teach small group Guided Reading sessions daily in EYFS and KS1, and whole class reading sessions in KS2
- Listen to every child in school read aloud on a regular basis
- Provide every child with a home reading book matched to their reading ability
- Provide regular opportunities for every child to visit the school library
- Promote reading for pleasure throughout the school day, including regular special events
Parents will:
- Listen to their children reading at home every day and record this in their Home School Planner
- Make sure reading books are in school every day
Useful Information
The Oxford Owl website has lots of resources to support home reading, including free access to hundreds of ebooks.
Our Year Six children can use this link to access ReadingPlus. Our school code is rpburnleyb. The children have their own personal logins.
IDL is a tool we use in school to help with reading and spelling practice. Each child has their own login.
The BookTrust website has a wealth of resources and book suggestions to help you develop a love of reading with your child.
This website contains opening chapters from thousands of books. It is a brilliant way to explore new reads with your child.
Words for Life provides milestones, tips, fun resources and advice to help parents support their children’s literacy development.