Monday 10th June 2024
Music Ambassador Meeting
Summer term – 10.06.24
Present – Mrs McGuigan, Rubi Alice Green, Leo Berry
- The meeting started with Mrs McGuigan thanking the pair of them for their views on the new singing assemblies and how they were working as discussed in Music Monitoring.
- We discussed the amount of money that we raised during the Sponsored Sing and how we were going to send it to Music and the Deaf. Mrs McGuigan has tried emailing them to ask if they would send us a video or a zoom link to acknowledge our donation but hasn’t had a reply so is going to go ahead with the donation without it.
- We discussed the great job that they have done in their role and how we need to advertise for people to take their place. I asked them to give me a list of qualities that they think Music Ambassadors should have and I would create a vacancy.
- Leo and Rubi-Alice brainstormed a list of things that they have done in their role to add to the job advertisement.
- We agreed that once the advertisement is ready, they will go around classes promoting it and that they will help with the recruitment.