School Sports Days
For your information, Sports Days will be taking place as follows:-
Mon 27th Jun (10.00am - 11.00am) - Nursery & Reception on the school yard
Mon 27th Jun (1.30pm -2.30pm) - Years 1 and 2 on the school yard
Due to Unity being unavailable on the original selected dates, the sports days for Years 3 & 4 and Years 5 & 6 have been changed as follows:
Fri 15th Jul (9.30am-11.00am) - Years 3 and 4 on the school yard
Fri 15th Jul (1.30pm-3.00pm) - Years 5 and 6 on the school yard
As children will be outside for a long period on these days, please can you ensure that you apply sun cream in the morning before they arrive at school and send them with a hat and a water bottle on the day of their sports day.
Children are to come to school in their PE Kit on the day of their sport day.
Parents/Carers are welcome to come and watch. please stay in the designated areas which Mr Kay will indicate on the day.
Please can we remind parents/carers that there are to be no photos/videos taken as we do have children at Brunshaw who's images are not allowed to be used. There will be pictures taken during each sports day and these will be on our newsletter.
Please can we also ask that parents/carers do not bring extra snacks or drinks for their child. They will be able to bring their water bottles out with them on the day.
Children will return into school after their Sports Day and will be collected from their classroom door as normal.